Formic Pro

Formic Pro is a non-synthetic treatment for the control of Varroa destructor mites in honeybee hives.


  • This product is permitted for use in Australia.

  • It must be used in accordance with the permit conditions, which over-ride the overseas label.

Active ingredient Formic Acid (Organic acid)
APVMA approval Permit: PER95344
Emergency use permit
Treatment period 7 days
Targets Mites in brood, phoretic mites, emerging mites, mites entering the hive
Relative effectiveness 61-98% highly variable due to temperature
Chemical safety Schedule 5 CAUTION
Avoid contact with skin and eyes; do not breathe vapours.
Wear eye protection, coveralls or long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks and closed-toe footwear and gauntlet length acid resistant gloves. Wash PPE after each use.
Keep away from smoker.
If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131126. If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. If skin contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly. If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor.
Harmful to aquatic life and terrestrial vertebrates.
Risk to bees Drone eggs may be removed by workers, delaying drone production and reduced survival
Adverse effects on open brood and hatching bees
High rate of adult bee mortality when used at wrong temperature
Queen loss/supersedure particularly when used at wrong temperature
Resistance risk No
Mode of Action (MOA) Inhibits cellular respiration causing respiratory acidosis
Rotate with products with different MOA
Use Open full-width entrance, do not use with vented bottom boards
Use at temperatures between 10-29.5°C (risk to brood and bees and increase in queen loss/ supersedure outside this range)
Bees must cover minimum 6 frames
Place 2 strips directly into hive, remove after 7 days
Withholding period (WHP) Do not harvest for 2 weeks from the end of the treatment
Contamination risks Hive products including wax
May taint honey
Storage Keep locked up. Do not store above 25 C. Only store in original container indoors, out of direct sunlight, in a dry and well-ventilated area, away from sulphuric acid, oxidising agents, and sources of ignition. Avoid heat, sparks, and open flames. Keep containers tightly closed
Disposal Dispose by wrapping in paper, placing in plastic bag and putting in garbage
Record keeping Dispose by wrapping in paper, placing in plastic bag and putting in garbage
Residues Honey taste

How to use Formic Pro