Reporting Varroa

Varroa is a notifiable pest in all states and territories of Australia, meaning that all beekeepers must notify their state authority of every positive detection.

Reporting requirements vary by state, so choose from the list to go to your state’s reporting page.

Both positive and negative monitoring reports from beekeepers are used to build the varroa heat map.

Varroa mite heat map

This interactive map shows where hive inspections have been reported in NSW, and where Varroa has been detected.

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The legend has different colours to represent the number of detections in each area, and also all inspections where Varroa was absent. The areas identified are approximately 100 square km grids. A grid square is coloured if there has been at least one hive inspection reported within that grid square or within 10km of that grid square. Since February 2024, most reports are by beekeepers. Beekeeper reports are not verified by NSW DPIRD. The map is updated weekly.

How to use the map:

You can:

  • enter an address to zoom to your location

  • browse the map by clicking, dragging or pinching using your cursor or fingers

  • click on a grid square to see the total number of hive inspections where Varroa has been present or absent - TIP: click the arrow on the dialogue box to toggle between present/absent results

  • filter by Varroa presence or absence, in the last 16 weeks or for seasons since June 2022