Contact Us - NSW & ACT

Varroa Development Officers are available to support and advise beekeepers on all aspects of varroa management.

Varroa Development Officers, or VDOs, are critical members of the National Varroa Mite Management Program

Their role involves helping recreational and commercial beekeepers understand and implement Varroa management techniques, improve hive health and undertake sustainable hive practices.

Together with other team members, VDOs help improve industry resilience and capacity.

To get in contact with a VDO in New South Wales or the ACT, contact Dave Fairhall, Extension and Engagement Coordinator, by completing this form.

NSW Varroa Development Officers

  • Dave Fairhall

    Extension & Engagement Coordinator

  • Alex Schellenberg

    Varroa Development Officer

    Alex has nine years of international commercial beekeeping experience including time spent in Canada and New Zealand. 

    Alex has extensive first-hand experience managing Varroa and other bee diseases and pests. 

    Alex’s hands-on approach can help beekeepers bridge the gap between knowledge and action. 

    Alex is committed to working collaboratively with beekeepers to improve awareness, resilience and education. 

  • Ben Stevenson

    Varroa Development Officer

    Ben is an experienced and passionate commercial beekeeper with years of practical knowledge instilled from a young age growing up on a farm. 

    As a result, Ben has a deep understanding of the land and a strong appreciation for the beekeeping lifestyle it entails. 

    Ben is always keen to learn and expand his already considerable beekeeping knowledge.

  • Cameron Taylor-Brown

    Varroa Development Officer

    Cameron joined the Varroa Mite Emergency Response in March 2023 and has over seven years of experience in large-scale commercial beekeeping. 

    Having run his own commercial operation, Cameron is acutely aware of the potential impacts of Varroa on Australia’s honey and pollination-dependent industries and is committed to helping these industries continue to grow and prosper. 

  • Emily Noordyke

    Varroa Development Officer

    Emily has extensive international Varroa experience having previously worked with the Bee Informed Partnership Tech Transfer Team in the US.

    In this role Emily helped commercial beekeepers across America monitor their hive health and implement tailored Varroa management strategies.

    Since moving to Australia, Emily has expanded her beekeeping knowledge by working with bee breeders as part of the National Honey Bee Genetic Improvement Program.  

  • Harvey Howard

    Varroa Development Officer

    Harvey started his beekeeping career in the United Kingdom at just 15 years of age.

    In addition to his extensive international Varroa experience, Harvey specialises in teaching queen bee breeding and AI in queens.

    Having spent several years as a professional Rugby League player both abroad and in Australia for teams including the Brisbane Broncos, Harvey is perfectly suited to tackling your Varroa concerns.

  • Simon Phillips

    Varroa Development Officer

    Simon is a seasoned educator and trainer with decades of practical hands-on beekeeping experience.

    Simon is keen to share his own insights and help mitigate the effects of Varroa across industries.

    Simon is confident that by working together Australia’s beekeeping community will continue to thrive and flourish.

  • Slavi Nenov

    Varroa Development Officer

    Slavi has a comprehensive portfolio of international beekeeping experience having previously managed hives with Varroa in Europe and New Zealand. 

    Slavi has worked as a commercial beekeeper for over 20 years and understands how Varroa responds under different climatic conditions and environments. 

    In addition to pest management experience, Slavi is particularly interested in queen bee breeding and selection.