I discovered the wonders of beekeeping almost a decade ago, and have since dedicated myself to continuously learning more and more about all aspects of this critical industry.
Today, as the owner and operator of a small beekeeping business, I am acutely aware of the threat posed by the varroa mite and the damage it is already inflicting on the Australian beekeeping industry.
My beekeeping career has spanned diverse beekeeping operations, from working hobbyists to operating large-scale commercial operations with several thousand hives. The summers I spent working in France gave me hands-on experience with Varroa, and I’ve travelled to New Zealand to gain even more insights.
I am committed to safeguarding bees against the threat of the varroa mite, and am particularly keen to help the industry develop best practice management strategies. Together we can tackle this formidable challenge, and protect our precious pollinators and livelihoods.