Meet your trainers - Western Australia
A series of free varroa management workshops are being delivered across Australia by a team of NVMMP-accredited trainers. All our trainers are experienced beekeepers and specially trained in the current best practices for varroa management.
WA Trainers
David Currey
As a passionate beekeeper, I enjoy constantly learning more and more about these incredible insects. Our industry is so dynamic, and we’re lucky to have access to new innovations and evolving methods to improve our caretaking practices.
Having delivered the Certificate III in Beekeeping for around 6 years, I appreciate just how much knowledge gets shared when experienced beekeepers get together. We all know that there’s always more to learn!
With the arrival of varroa mite on our shores, I’m keen to support WA beekeepers as we present a united front to this potential incursion. It’s essential that we stay well informed about the latest practices so that if (when?) the mite is detected here in WA, we’re ready to take action. Let’s keep WA as the Noah’s Ark for the honey bee.
Helen Humphreys
With two decades of experience as a primary producer, my passion for bees and their health runs deep. I actively seek new opportunities to share knowledge through the delivery of educational workshops and presentations at schools, public events, and farm field days, while also valuing opportunities to learn from others.
My commitment extends beyond my own hives. I actively engage with a diverse community of beekeepers through my role as a trainer and presenter with the WA Apiarists’ Society. This involvement allows me to connect with fellow enthusiasts and contribute to the broader conversation about bee health and sustainable practices.
In 2022, I contributed to the Varroa Eradication Program, which provided valuable insights into pests not present in our beautiful state. This experience reinforced my belief in WA’s fortunate position regarding exotic bee pests and diseases, highlighting the critical need for responsible bee management. I advocate for every hive in WA to serve as a sentinel hive.
I remain optimistic about WA's ability to maintain our ‘clean’ honey status, and I see the T2M workshops as a significant step towards achieving this goal.
Stephen Boylen
Even after seven years working bees on urban and country sites, I am still amazed by, and in awe of, our incredible floral diversity and what our bees produce from it. The delight I see on people’s faces when they taste my freshly extracted honey continues to be an absolute highlight of beekeeping.
Passionate about our sector, I’ve taken up every opportunity possible to grow my knowledge of bees and beekeeping, including the industry Certificate 3, and working as a trainer with the Western Australian Apiarist’s Society (WAAS).
Having previously been President of WAAS, which included working with BICWA on the current industry strategic plan, I am very aware of how regardless of whether we are commercial or recreational beekeepers we are all in the one industry and can each impact each other.
I know that we are facing a big challenge with Varroa, but I have confidence that there is a practical way forward, and the Transition to Management program provides a key starting point.
Wendy McIntyre
Ten years ago, a few thousand bees decided to take up residence in my yard. From that chance meeting my beekeeping learning began with me absorbing all I could, especially from established beekeepers. Writing the required council management plan gave me a lot of respect for the responsibilities ahead, and with the help of a mentor I gained the confidence needed to stand in front of tens of thousands of bees and get stung (before making the financial commitment).
Fast forward a few years and I’ve now completed a Certificate 3 in Beekeeping, am the Bee Buddy Coordinator for WAAS and a regular volunteer throughout the sector, and love being part of the WAAS training team running workshops for new and experienced keepers. The mentoring I received early in my beekeeping journey was invaluable, and I embrace the opportunity I have these days to pay that forward.
Like you, I enjoy the pure clean beekeeping environment here in WA, and am committed to supporting us all by being proactive with our Varroa preparedness.