Varroa Development Officers
Extension and engagement will be delivered nationally in direct support of beekeepers as they transition to managing Varroa mite. Although the great majority of Australia is likely to remain varroa-free for the next 12 months, much of the work delivered by VDOs will be proactive.
VDOs will build capability through hands on engagement with beekeepers both commercial and recreational to extend best management practice guidelines, sharing knowledge and expertise directly to beekeepers in the field and within club and association branches.
Preparing beekeepers will be instrumental in reducing Varroa mite impacts for industry into the future.
The Varroa Mite Management Program can also assist you with pollination enquiries and resilience support.
There are Varroa Development Officers (VDOs) in each state to provide support and assistance regarding all Varroa related topics.
Choose your state from the list to request assistance from your local VDO.